The Clowns

My clowns are my somewhat crazy heart people. They can perform alone and with others. Whether on stage, on the road, or in nature. They are fond of playing within the so called social areas and also among people on the fringes of society. Because most people call them outsiders as well, but they take it with humor. They are always delighted and grateful if they are allowed to affect others emotionally, or help demonstrate the absurdities of everyday life, as well as the outstanding. The following numbers and pieces have been developed so far.

Tennisclown Ruby


Ruby tries to play tennis. For her, playing tennis is all about being sexy. When she turns into her rival, who is neither kind or nice, this play is becoming interesting.

Length of the number: approx. 10 minutes


The wild and chaotic Nokta is always keen to look good. She has been with the Clown Group Orchestre Furiosi for a long time but at the moment she works with the two clowns of on road. The play “Drei treibt’s fort” ( no English translation until now ( english premiere is still waiting- but maybe it means Three are drifting away) is available as a short version or as a longer version under the title „In search of the great nothingness”.

The play “Drei treibt’s fort” is about the absurd play. About the possible exhausting of oral
movement. It starts with a little twitch and grows to everything that moves. How much do we show to do a show, and how much do we try to please.

In search of the great nothing” is of course about the nothingness and about doing nothing. What do clowns do when they do nothing.

Piece length: 10/30 minutes
outdoor and indoor shows possible

Specialised or developed clown scenes can also be created on request. For performances the different clowns are always available. They also come to improvise with music and other toys in retirement homes, hospitals, dormitories, etc. See also dates and workshops.

For booking please send an email to herzkasperl (at) oder: Kontakt

© 2023 Herzkasperl, Anja Monden // Imprint